I cannot believe it.

On Saturday, June 20th, we completely missed the
10th Anniversary of Bella’s Kidney Transplant.

Missed it.


Is that a good thing?

I guess it is in the sense that life has moved on.
And we are living it.
And Bella is doing well.

My body knew, however.
I felt like crap on Saturday and could not figure out why.
Now I know.

Ten years ago.
Ten years ago, early in the morning,

I watched as the two people on earth I loved the most
were wheeled through those dastardly ER double doors.

It took about 13 hours total for the team to take a kidney out of Martin, rearrange ALL of Bella’s internal organs, to then fit that adult-sized kidney into a 15-month-old Bella.
And then place the rest of her organs neatly around it.

I do not have the words today to express all of the emotions I am feeling right now,
and in fact,
some are of the guilt I feel for having missed the 10th Anniversary this past weekend.

here are some photos from those days 10 years ago.

In this case, pictures certainly do speak louder than words.

Grandma welcomes Bella to the world.

Grandma welcomes Bella to the world.

Bella receives her ports.

Bella receives her ports.

Mama is out of the hospital after treatment for a post-partum pulmonary embolism and so thankful to be with her girl.

Mama is out of the hospital after treatment for a post-partum pulmonary embolism and so thankful to be with her girl.

Home temporarily after 1st hospital stay and so happy to be a

Home temporarily after 1st hospital stay and so happy to be a “normal” mom and take Bella for a stroller ride.

Back in hospital at 9 mos. to have kidneys removed.

Back in hospital at 9 mos. to have kidneys removed.

Kidney removal.

Kidney removal.

Easter at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. Sans kidneys.

Easter at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital.
Sans kidneys.

Out of the hospital once again to

Out of the hospital once again to “fatten up” for transplant. 12+ hour infusions means creativity. Can anyone find Bella’s pump?!?

Not surprisingly, I cannot find many photos from the time of Bella’s (and Martin’s) kidney transplant and the photos I do have are a bit too much for a public blog.

About a year post-transplant.

About a year post-transplant.

And look at her now.


Thanks be to God.

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