

When I was in sixth grade, I got a demonstrable case of acne. And back in the day, the prescribed treatment was to avoid chocolate and to apply an alcohol-based stringent...



He grew up under the last remnants of Communism - red neck scarf and in formation bootleg movies from the West the permeation of grey. The son of an engineer, who wanted...

This is Me

This is Me

Like most of you, I am a huge fan of the television show, This is Us. And last night's episode was no exception, so if you have not yet seen it, consider this your...

Draw Near

Draw Near

I ran out of peppermint cocoa this morning. Just like that. Not a single ounce to add to my morning coffee, nor console me that the fifth day of Pacific Northwest rain is...

Day 8.

Day 8.

We all know what is going to happen here, don't we? As I stare out at the vast array of pumpkins showing off under the blue sky and autumnal sun, it really is quite...

Day 6 and 7.

Day 6 and 7.

** For days 4 and 5, I shared a blog post from the Archives on my Facebook Page **   Today is just a bit of a free write. Do you ever do those? Perhaps in a journal?...

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