Day 2. And 3.

Day 2. And 3.

Truth. I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. Tell the truth. What is truth? What is my truth? Stay true to your truth. Over the past six months, I have been...

31 Days

31 Days

I have decided to participate in the 31 Days of Writing. Over the past few months, I have been writing articles for publications, including READY magazine and Redbud...



I started swimming when I was four years old. I joined my first swim team competitively at age 5 and for the next 8 years - I never took home a ribbon that was not 1st or...



"Carrie - do not hold on too tight." I scoffed at our beloved neonatologist when he said this. We were standing over the examining table, inspecting Bella's double lumen...



The roots of a tree in our backyard. In January. Exposed. Battling the elements. The connectors between the fruit, the trunk, branch, and leaf. The exposed roots continue...



I am sharing here an article that I wrote for READY magazine with their permission. I cannot recommend this magazine highly enough and hope that you will click on this...

Fear Not.

Fear Not.

This week. Oh, my heart. Too much. Too much. Bombings and pain, displaced people, grief and loss, war and terror, fear. My husband was a Television and Radio major in...

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