Day 20

Today is Day 20. For twenty days now, we have been “grounded” in our flat, following Bella’s surgery. And I must tell you – it absolutely FEELS like 20 days. Time has not flown by in this regard. Yes, I have had some great times out of the...

Let Your Beautiful Mess Become Your Message

Bella had her first post-op appointment today. While in the waiting room, I found myself, like the fellow drones around me, reading a back issue of People magazine. I read a story about a celebrity who is in remission from cancer. Soon after her diagnosis, her mom...

It Takes a Village

We arrived at the hospital yesterday morning at 5am. It was dark empty low lighting and a bit eerie. By 7am, Bella was ready to go. The anesthesiologist came by to insert the I.V. and well, Bella completely freaked out. Tears, thrashing, and so much pleading. The...

I Choose.

My soul proclaims His Glory. I choose for it to be so! My emotions may disagree. My mind may protest. But my soul proclaims His Glory. I choose for it to be so! My heart may grieve. My memory may fail me But my soul proclaims His Glory. I choose for it to be so! It...

Somewhere in The Midst of It – Part Two

Our family has been getting a lot of questions regarding Bella’s upcoming surgery, so I am going to explain it as best I can. On Friday, June 21st at 7:30am, Bella will have surgery on BOTH her feet. The bones in her feet are basically growing at almost a 90...

Somewhere in the Midst of It

After school today, I took my daughter Bella to Pinkberry. It is one of our favorite places, and one of our favorite things to do together. Today, however, I had an agenda. I had to explain to my daughter that in one month’s time, she would be having yet ANOTHER...

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