Day 8.

We all know what is going to happen here, don’t we? As I stare out at the vast array of pumpkins showing off under the blue sky and autumnal sun, it really is quite obvious. The search for the perfect pumpkin ensues. Cinerella Casper white Jack O’ Lantern...

Day 6 and 7.

** For days 4 and 5, I shared a blog post from the Archives on my Facebook Page **   Today is just a bit of a free write. Do you ever do those? Perhaps in a journal? For many years, I taught at-risk high schoolers, as well as ESL. At the start of every class...

Day 2. And 3.

Truth. I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. Tell the truth. What is truth? What is my truth? Stay true to your truth. Over the past six months, I have been on my own journey of seeking truth. I have been researching the history of racism in this country....

31 Days

I have decided to participate in the 31 Days of Writing. Over the past few months, I have been writing articles for publications, including READY magazine and Redbud Writer’s Guild. And I have loved every minute of it. Dear Reader, here on this blog, October is...

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