
Bella asked me tonight if I remembered the day of her birth. Boy, do I. I remember so many things, and yet, there is so much I do not remember. I remember the roads to the hospital – the route we took so many times. Too many times. I remember the look on my...


Repurpose I have been into repurposing a lot lately. It is even a Board on my Pinterest, so you know I am serious about it. I have repurposed many things in my home, finding useful ways to redefine something’s original purpose, breathing life back into it and...

God is Not Done with You Yet.

Maybe it is just the time in life. Maybe it is the stage of life that I am in.   Regardless, there are many people in my village right now whose grief runs deep and wide. And unlike a Lifetime movie, it is jagged and rough. It is costly and relentless. It takes...

God Made Adam and Eve. And Steve.

The conversation continues – that ugly banter of “my right is so much more right than your right.” It really is sickening, isn’t it? And I find myself often asking, where does my heart lie as a woman of faith?   Like so many, I grew up in...

The Hope Chest

She kneels before the chest, nostalgic. She knows it is time – time to let go – and yet, she is acutely aware of what she is releasing and what it means moving forward. She opens the chest and is overcome by the memories that come flooding in, so ingrained...

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