Eye of the Storm

We knew there would be rain. It’s the Pacific Northwest. And it is La Niña. So there is always rain. What we did not know, when we escaped to the Oregon Coast for a couple of nights as a family, is that there was a tremendous storm rolling in. And we would be,...

This is Me

Like most of you, I am a huge fan of the television show, This is Us. And last night’s episode was no exception, so if you have not yet seen it, consider this your spoiler alert. As per usual, I DVR’d the episode so that I could watch it today by myself...

The Greatest of These

We move into our new home on Sunday. This move has been a source of panic attacks and sadness for me and I have had trouble understanding why. I mean, this should be a source of joy and gratitude, right? What is wrong with me that I have felt anxiety and dread? One of...


The roots of a tree in our backyard. In January. Exposed. Battling the elements. The connectors between the fruit, the trunk, branch, and leaf. The exposed roots continue underground. You can’t see them. The roots that seek out nourishment, sustaining the tree...

A Friend is One.

I sat across the table from her. It was a gorgeous summer evening, and yet, the air was heavy. She was not her usual upbeat self, in fact, the deep grief was palpable. She had called me asking if I could meet last minute. I knew, from previous conversations, that this...

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